
Delicious Easy Garlic Bread

Eleven months into quarantine, I am still cooking more than I have ever done in the past. I have been trying to make meals more scrumptious than normal. After-all, food is all the normalcy we have now. And I am happily giving into those needs. I wanted to make an ordinary spaghetti and meatballs meal… Continue reading Delicious Easy Garlic Bread


Live in the Moment

One of the best things that came out of Covid, is it made me all appreciate things a little more. Things were taken for granted not because they weren’t important but because they were always there. It wasn’t until we couldn’t socialize like we were used to that these moments became so much more special—… Continue reading Live in the Moment


10 Ways to Celebrate Halloween Covid Style

As everything else has gone down in 2020, Halloween will be no different. Trick-or Treating will be out. It will most defiantly not be what we have done in years past. Oh, the letdown . . . So, how can we make the most of it? Do your best to make Halloween as normal as… Continue reading 10 Ways to Celebrate Halloween Covid Style


The Easiest Stir Fry Ramen

Easy, delicious pantry recipe, perfect for quarantine. . . Yes, Please! I have been playing around with cooking yummy recipes since I have been cooking none-stop since quarantine began in March. I have made this easy stir fry ramen a few times. It's easy, yummy and you most likely have all the items in your… Continue reading The Easiest Stir Fry Ramen

mom life

63 Ways Keep Your Child Sane During Quarantine

With 92% of the United States under stay-at-home order, no one will be leaving their home for for the foreseeable future. I gathered a list of  the most exciting, fun, entertaining things I have been doing to keep my kids and entire family busy. Creative Activities-- A Tea Party with Real Treats and Tea. Sit… Continue reading 63 Ways Keep Your Child Sane During Quarantine


A Healthy Spin on Taco Tuesday

Who doesn't love a good old taco? It's even better when it's Tuesday and you have Taco's! Let's make it a healthy option for the parents anyway . . . Ingredients: Ground beef (amount depends on how much you will need for your family, I wing it) Taco seasoning (I used the Trader Joe's option.… Continue reading A Healthy Spin on Taco Tuesday


10 Things I learned, Living in LA for 10 Years

I have always dreamed about living in Los Angeles. I had given up my dream and decided to settle with living in NY/NJ. Until one faithful President's weekend when I went to LA on a whim and never looked back. I was moving. Crazy as it seemed to everyone nothing was going to stop me.… Continue reading 10 Things I learned, Living in LA for 10 Years


No Shop October — Recap

October was a no shop month for Markdowns and Letdowns. And then life and the holidays took over. I am finally getting around to my recap. As a self-proclaimed shop/saleaholic no shopping other than food/Halloween started off a nightmare for me.  Not adding items to my shopping cart in the store or online frivolously was… Continue reading No Shop October — Recap


2020, Goals

No one is good at keeping New Year's Resolutions. I always do my best to make some major change that would ultimately make me a better person. But we all know major changes done drastically are impossible to keep. This year I decided to create a list of goals and try to maintain them throughout… Continue reading 2020, Goals