
Delicious Easy Garlic Bread

Eleven months into quarantine, I am still cooking more than I have ever done in the past. I have been trying to make meals more scrumptious than normal. After-all, food is all the normalcy we have now. And I am happily giving into those needs. I wanted to make an ordinary spaghetti and meatballs meal… Continue reading Delicious Easy Garlic Bread


150 Days of Quarantine and Counting . . .

Maarrrrrchh Appppprill Mayyyyyy Juuuuuunnnnee dragged. All those MONTHS dragged. Finally no school, and lots of fun to be had at home. And as always the summer flew. This time my family obeyed the quarantine. We continued not to eat out, order-in, no seeing friends (we did 3 times), not go to the park, no beach,… Continue reading 150 Days of Quarantine and Counting . . .


2020, Goals

No one is good at keeping New Year's Resolutions. I always do my best to make some major change that would ultimately make me a better person. But we all know major changes done drastically are impossible to keep. This year I decided to create a list of goals and try to maintain them throughout… Continue reading 2020, Goals


Cheers to a New Decade

365 days, 365 times around the sun, Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer. another entire year is about to finish. And after today, an entire decade is coming to a close. Ten years, seems like it flew by in a flash. It has been such a crazy, memorable decade for me. So much happened, so much change,… Continue reading Cheers to a New Decade