
150 Days of Quarantine and Counting . . .




Juuuuuunnnnee dragged.

All those MONTHS dragged.

Finally no school, and lots of fun to be had at home. And as always the summer flew. This time my family obeyed the quarantine. We continued not to eat out, order-in, no seeing friends (we did 3 times), not go to the park, no beach, no pool, no Hollywood Bowl, no vacations, etc. We followed the rules and didn’t do anything. I know we are safe but man I feel like we missed out and am pissed.

Oh, the letdown. . .

Summer is my favorite time of year. And I feel jyped.

We only have 18 summer with our kids. Let’s face it, we have even less summers. At some point, our children will become independent, think we embarrassing and want to do there own thing.

We will long for summers when all we heard was mom, momma, mommy allllll daayyy loooooong.

And this one, hopefully, will be the only summer in quarantine, will be the one we remember as the one we had lots of quality family time, mommy and daddy always had a drink in their hands, playing in the backyard for hours, etc. With my girls 6 and younger, I am pretty sure this summer will be a blip of their childhood memories that we laugh about for years to come.

We stayed busy with walks, bike rides, lots of crafting, baking, dress-up, make-up, nails, blow-up pool, etc. We stayed very busy, so much so, the summer flew. It was the fastest months of quarantine, yet. Of course it would be, there was not school dragging us down.

Summer, 2019

In just, N I N E DAYS, Dylan starts 1st grade and our summer days are officially over. I can only assume with the start of school, the days will sloooooow down once more and we will be counting down the hours in the day once more.

I hope to continue to incorporate fun in our school days but not sure that will be entirely possible with the distance learning schedule we are rumored to have. So, with only 9 days left to summer, we plan to make the most of these days . . . water play in the backyard, beach (hopefully), friend socially distance meet-up, grandparent visit.

I might sound ungrateful which is furthest from the truth. I am extremely thankful for our health. I am grateful I am able to be home with our children and give them the best childhood they can have, all while my husband works extremely long hours. This summer, this new normal is a huge adjustment– even more so when you are a social person.

How will you enjoy the end of your summer?

I know our school district goes back-to-school earlier than most. It’s much earlier than I am used too. Back in NJ, where I grew up, we went back after Labor Day. It’s hard for me to wrap my head around going back to school so early especially when it’s still summer. When do you go back to school? Comment below. I would love to hear from you!

3 thoughts on “150 Days of Quarantine and Counting . . .”

  1. We start tomorrow! Great post! I always love following your journey and you’ve got a new one coming soon. I hope it’s better than you expect…I mean…when you keep your expectations low…then you have a good chance of exceeding them right?! ☺️☺️ I don’t know?! I hope it’s a good one though, even with all the change and craziness! 🤪

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